So I'm now about a week away until retrieval. I'm actually getting used to the stim medication and finding the morning Follistim to be a piece of cake; a very bland, stale cake with a sour aftertaste. The Menopur shots are still a little stingy but the more I have, the easier it gets and I guess my body is getting used to the hormones being pumped into it, as I've not had a splitting headache for the last few nights...woohoo :) I'm also sporting a beautiful bruise on my belly which is now evolving into a rather spectacular shade of Highlighter Yellow. This is my prize for Hubbs' first 'shot' at giving me my Menopur injection. All it needs is a little rosette!
My ultrasounds and blood tests have been going according to plan; at least that is what they are telling me. Today's ultrasound showed about 5 good sized follies each side, with some smaller ones which may or may not develop in time. That number seems low to me, but again, lots of reassurance from the Doctor. Hmmm, maybe they are just sounding positive so I don't worry. Well guess what, I'm still a little worried...okay not so much worried, but concerned. But hey, it is what it is, right! I figure if they were really worried they'd amp up my dosage or cancel this cycle, so I'll take it as a good sign and try to keep my thoughts on the positive side...for now ;) Anyway, the plan is for me to start Ganirelix this Sunday and drop back in next Monday to see if the follies are at the optimal size, with the hope that by mid to late next week I'll be in there for retrieval...yikes!
Years go by...
Gosh, has it really been so long? Really? I now have a charming
three-year-old who talks up a storm, runs around, loves our cat, her
"guinea pig" (a stuffe...
9 years ago
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