Finished the birth control pill three days ago and am now bracing for tomorrow's introduction to the joys of IVF medications *sigh*. Hubbs is like a kid in a candy store with all those packets of meds, needles and other torturous looking devices. Literally, he keeps opening the cupboard where they are stored and eyeing them gleefully. Me being petrified of needles will be closing my eyes and hoping for as little pain as possible. Hubbs will no doubt be wearing a huge smile, perhaps even letting out an evil laugh as he preps and inserts aforesaid torture into various parts of my body. The worst of course, is yet to come in the form of the dreaded PIO (Progesterone in Oil). Oh the horror stories I have read about the pain associated with this procedure. I guess I will find out soon enough if my poor butt will withstand that 1.5" needle filled with nasty viscous goo. But for now, I am going to focus on getting over the morning Follistim shots which look harmless enough, but perhaps I'm deluding myself. Then in the evening, it will be the rather complicated concoction of Menopur; thank god Hubbs is handling the prep, I think I would mess it up or break the needles, accidentally on purpose ;)
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