I think it’s time to open Doctor’s Cabinet of Pharmaceutical Delights! This reminds me of the scene in Trainspotting, when Renton enters a heroin den and is asked by a drug dealer if he would care for an appetizer from the menu. “No thank you”, says Renton, “I think I will just go straight to the intravenous injection of hard drugs, please.”
Today is day one of the 10-15 day medication cycle that will require morning and evening injections.
The morning injections of Follistim are made in the abdomen using a rather ingenious “pen” system, where a cartridge of medication is placed in a pen-like device and used for multiple shots using disposable needles. The pen has a dial that is used to determine how much medication is injected each time. Quite a clever system.
The afternoon injections of Menopur are a little more complex. They involve drawing 1cc of saline into a syringe, then pumping that saline into a vial containing powdered Menopur, mixing and drawing the mixture back into the syringe. Two vials are mixed like this, and then injected into the abdomen.
The first Follistim injection this morning went smoothly. Lots of prep work to get the sharps disposer, swabs, pen, needle, cartridge, Arnica cream (to reduce bruising), cold pack (to numb the site before injection), heat pack (to warm things up after the injection) and cotton wall ball to stem the trickle of blood. Phew! I feel like a lab technician already. All of that build up to a few seconds of injection and we are all done. Lots of fuss, but according to Wifey, not much pain.
Is it time for the USA-England soccer game yet?
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