Seven years ago I met the love of my life. We found each other online and after months of emails and IM's, we finally plucked up the courage to meet in person. As cheesy as it sounds it was love at first sight, and after a few dates we knew we had hit the jackpot and so decided to move in together. Living with us are two furry kids, red-heads with big wet noses who keep us on our toes but even with them we feel like our family is not yet complete.
Our journey to try and conceive started four years ago. Having never tried getting pregnant I had no idea what was in store although naively assumed it would just be a case of getting the birth control out of my system and getting up the duff. Ha ha!!
A year and a half ago we were surprised to learn that we were pregnant; by this point we'd figured it wasn't going to happen. Thrilled, we started scouring the baby stores planning for the baby room, but sadly suffered an early miscarriage. This was very tough emotionally and took me a while to comprehend. At the time I felt it was like a cruel joke; I had mentally prepared myself for not having a baby and then I got pregnant. If it wasn't meant to be why did this have to happen to us!?! Now I look back and realize that maybe it was the kick in the butt we needed to really get serious about trying for a baby. Up until that point I hadn't even charted my temps so we really were leaving a lot to chance, and with our age range that was plain silly. So we got ourselves to a fertility specialist to try and find out what was going on.
A year later and after months of Clomid with no luck, we now know that my FSH levels are pretty good at 6 (considering I am just over 40), other blood tests are all normal (aside from low levels of Vitamin D but I am taking supplements now to help out as the weather won't cooperate!!), my uterus looks good, follicle count hanging in there at 11, and so overall the likelihood is that my eggs are probably suffering from a little wear and tear from my # of days on this planet. Hubbs is producing a staggering amount of swimmers but again, higher mileage means a little morphology and motility issues...time for an oil change perhaps ;)
Reality is that while we could try IUI to help get those swimmers home to Mama, time is not on our side and so we felt it was worth trying IVF. Thankfully, our insurance covers some of the astronomical fees for this procedure. So here we are, just about to embark on our one and only (unless we win the lottery) cycle of IVF. Yeah we know, most folks need several goes at spinning the wheel but for now, one sounds like a good number to us, both emotionally and financially.
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