Saturday, June 12, 2010

Husband's Perspective - 6/12/10 – The Second Shot – not so smooth!

Mixing up the Menopur shot this evening was an adventure. I laid out all of the vials, needles, swabs, syringe and Q-cap in preparation.

Step 1 – remove the 1.5” 18 gauge needle from the syringe. Holy cow! You could drive a truck down the middle of that thing and not touch the sides.

Step 2 – remove the Q-cap from the package and drop it on the floor. Not sure that was in the instructions.

Step 3 – clean the Q-cap with a swab, then drop the swab on the floor. I’m starting to notice a trend here!

Step 4 – Use the Q-cap to draw 1ml of saline from the first vial. Took some effort to remove the caps from the vials, but I got that done without dropping anything.

Step 5 – Mix the 1ml saline into the two vials of Menopur. And I haven’t dropped anything for the last two steps – looking good!

Step 6 – OK, this is where I should have planned ahead. I now have a syringe containing 1ml of saline mixed with two shots of Menopur. And a Q-cap on the end. I need to remove the Q-cap and fit a smaller needle, but I just dropped the packaging for the Q-cap in the trash can, and I haven’t opened the packaging for the needle. If I put the syringe down with the Q-cap on it, I may contaminate everything. And if I remove the Q-cap, the liquid will drain out if I don’t keep the syringe upright. So holding the syringe tightly between two fingers, I use the rest of my fingers to pry open the needle packaging, and manage to swap the Q-cap for the needle. I’m going to have to rethink the logistics on this one before tomorrow night!

Step 7 – Stick the needle in wifey’s belly. This one proved troublesome, as she chose to lie on the sofa and ice her belly to numb everything before the jab. I bent over her and slid in the needle, but as I depressed the plunger on the syringe, I applied a little too much force, causing major discomfort. Something else that needs to be improved on tomorrow.

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