Monday, July 12, 2010

Life Sucks!

You can probably guess already that our Beta results came back with a BFFN (Big Fat Fucking Negative)!

I am so angry at life right now!  Seriously, it all feels like some sick, cruel joke.   

Tonight, I will be drowning my sorrows with several Margaritas, tons of cheese and anything else high fat and totally unhealthy.  After that, who knows.  I need time to heal from yet another disappointment on this IF journey.  We have 11 embryos on ice, so maybe we will try again.  But right now, I almost wish they weren't there so I could just close the chapter on TTC once and for all.  I'm really sick of spending my life hoping, wishing, being pumped full of hormones and looking for positive signs and symptoms.  I want to enjoy life again for each day that it brings, and not live on this constant roller-coaster.

I think I'll plan the trip to see my brother and spend some time with him as he deals with his lot in life.  Compared to his problems mine are totally insignificant, I mean, it's not like I am dying from IF.  Well maybe a little of my heart dies each time we get let down...but it's nothing like cancer.

And you know what, I have my Hubbs.  My dear, wonderful, loving Hubbs who is the best rock a girl could have in times like these.  Today marks seven years from the day we first met.  I will shed my tears and then go out with the love of my life, and try to put off worrying about the stupidity and cruelty of IF for another day. 

Friday, July 9, 2010

This 2ww really bites!

Lately, I've read some really sad results from fellow bloggers after their Beta tests.  My heart really goes out to them.  *Hugs*

I don't have much to report on during the second week of my 2ww.  Really it's been about just trying to pass the time.  I've been a good girl and not done a POAS or taken my basal temp.  I don't want to feed myself with false positive or false negative vibes before the beta test.  Besides, Hubbs has been strict about not letting me psyche myself out one way or another.   Damn him and his self-control!

Some days I have felt optimistic and other days, well honestly I have just been planning for the worst.  Much of my optimism or negativity really depends on what symptoms, or lack thereof, I have had at the time.  Today is a better day as I feel nauseous...I'd say I'm about 70% positive of a good outcome.  Tomorrow, oh I'll probably have no nausea and be back down to around 40% or less.  I feel like a human yo-yo! 

In other news, I am currently suffering from about 6-7 nasty mosquito bites.  The pesky bugs are out in force this year because of way too much rain and a sudden hot spell.  I am allergic to the bites so suffer horrible swelling around the bite site.  I feel like I have anthills all over my body - how nice!  Just in case one or more of my bumbles is actually sticking around, I did some internet research to find out what pregnant women can use to ease the itching, and also to repel the little flying bloodsuckers from landing in the first place.  Deet proved to be questionable, so I decided to try Calamine lotion and a Benadryl cream.  Tried the Benadryl first, not bad, but it seemed like the Calamine might be safer so have decided to stick with that instead.  I also found a natural ingredient, kid-friendly spray to put on before our evening jaunts in the suburban jungle and only got one little new bite instead of the swarm that attacked the night before.  It had seemed like a great idea to take the shot at 7:30pm and walk the dogs after to reduce lumpy bottom syndrome and give us all some exercise.  Not so much now!  It has turned in to a ritual of bending over the bed for the obligatory shot in the butt, then donning long pants, long sleeves and spraying myself in a sticky, oily repellent.  And yes, it IS repellent!!  During the walk I can't fully relax as I am constantly fending off the persistent mosquitoes who fly around me trying to find a fresh piece of skin to bite.  Poor dogs barely have time to squat and squeeze before we are hurrying them to move along.  Then, back at home, straight into the shower to wash off the sweat from the excess of clothing in 90 degree heat and the oily residue from the messy insect repellent.

Seriously, I'm starting to think that a lumpy bottom might not be so bad after all!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Nightmares of a 2ww

I really need to get a new head!  One that doesn't dwell on stuff and scare the crap outta me or my bumbles.  

For the last couple of nights I've been suffering from what I call 2ww nightmares.  The first was a bizarre dream that had me performing in a Prince video and it was really turning me on (Prince in a sexual dream, I told you it was a nightmare!!).  Anyway I woke myself up in a panic as we had strict instructions for me not to orgasm during the 2ww.  When I awoke I had strong cramps.  Nooooo! 

Another nightmare involved me waking up to find blood all over my pajamas.  Charming!!
And last night, I dreamt I had to go to the doctor (not my usual one) and when I told him I'd just had IVF he said outright..."you know they'll all die don't you".  I was stunned at first, and then got really really angry.  I yelled back at him, "How dare you say that, I have hope, you don't know what you are talking about!".

Holy shit, what is my mind trying to do to me and my little bumbles?  Am I that messed up in the head (you don't have to answer that!)?  And there was me thinking I was being positive about this IVF cycle. Hmm, I guess my subconscious is out to try and prove me wrong.  Anyone else experiencing nightmares or had this happen during the 2ww?

On the positive side of things, I've got tender boobies.  I've read that can just be a side effect of progesterone but still, it might not be. I've also been up every night peeing which doesn't usually happen very often, and during the day we are having to visit every store bathroom when out & about.  Isn't it a bit early to be having a weak bladder?  On top of that I've been having mild cramps and twinges.  Nothing major other than that one night after the Prince video.  Note to self, the bumbles aren't digging Prince!

So despite my silly nightmares I'm trying to focus on staying positive during this cruel 2ww.  I know that the signs might not be attributed to the bumbles snuggling in and calling my belly home for the next 9 months, but I'm still holding out hope.  In the end, what will be will be, and we'll find out on July 12 if the signs were all pointing in the right direction.

In the meantime, a restful night's sleep is on order!  

Husband's Perspective - 06/27/10 – Old McDonald gave some shots, P I, PIO!

The first PIO shot this evening was an entertaining experience. Wifey’s backside was marked up by the nurses, and after icing up, she was bent over the side of the bed to give me a clear target. I extracted the PIO shot from the vial, and changed to the smaller needle for the shot – Wifey tells me that this part is very important. So I’m getting ready to administer the shot, and start by wiping with the alcohol swab. Wifey then gets up and starts pacing around the room, almost hyperventilating, telling me how scared she is of this shot as she has read so many horror stories on the web. Curse you, internet! Finally, after about 15 minutes of agonizing over the expected outcome, she assumes the position, and the shot is done before she knows it. The needle looks long (1.5 inches) but slides in nicely. The sesame oil is not too heavy, so the shot pumps in without a lot of effort. And it doesn’t sting like the Menopur, which is a bonus. I just hope we don’t have the 15-minute prelude every night! Decided to take the dogs for a long walk after the shot, which seems to help Wifey, as there is no stiffness in the backside afterwards.